Sacred Spaces 399– Those Three Words

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Sacred Spaces 399– Those Three Words

10 (r)October 2013


Had these lyrics from Snow Patrol drifting in my head this week, who knows why?  “Those three words, I say too much, but not enough.”  You probably can guess what three words they refer too.  It got me thinking: maybe there are three words you are longing to hear.  Jesus still speaks.  And yet so often we still don’t listen.  The busyness of life often gets in the way.  Here are some “three words” He may want to say to you.  Hoping at least one “set” of them resonate with you:

“I hear you”

“You are forgiven”

“I see you”

“Crossed my mind”

“Am holding you”

“Don’t lose hope”

“One step closer”

“Please slow down”

“You are more”

“Thank you child”

“I’m coming home.”

“He loves you.”


Will you stop for a moment and ponder those three words you need to hear…


Song Lyrics or Twitturgy:


“And those three words; I say too much, but not enough.” Snow Patrol

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